Happy One Year Anniversary!                               

Wow!  What a year it’s been.  As most people know, the first year is all about getting to know the organization, its members, supporters and the people that are served.  It’s learning from others about what’s working and what can be improved.  It’s also about building new connections and collaborating with others who are also working towards helping our students better prepare for life after high school while also building a stronger community.  To that end, the board and I spent 6 months creating a strategic plan and vision to guide us during the next 5 years.  The plan is malleable which allows us to make modifications should needs or opportunities arise.  It is truly an exciting time for our organization.  Be on the lookout for new initiatives and stories sharing all of the good things happening between our business community and schools!



BBEC 2023 Annual Report Cover - 'Working Together' showing a diverse range of hands connecting

“Our annual report highlights some of the unexpected partnerships created through internships; a business perspective on why they participate in Students Interacting with Business as well as a school’s viewpoint on why they continue to send students on tours.”

> View or download the 2023 report.


FUN FACT: This 2023 BBEC Annual Report was designed by a student from the Berks Career and Technology Center. At BBEC, we felt that this opportunity exemplified the mission of our organization. Thank you, Ms. Beth Ireland, instructor, and Hailey Lupold, student designer, for their work.